Parents & Friends Association


The Parents & Friends (P&F) Association plays an important role at the College.  It provides families with an opportunity to share in the learning process and work in partnership with the College to support students and develop learning opportunities at Claver. 

The P&F supports the College community through:

  • Meeting regularly and providing parents, caregivers and friends with an opportunity to engage with each other in a social situation and make a difference within our College community.
  • Leading a variety of community engagement events like Grandparent, Father's Day and Mother's Day Breakfasts
  • Supporting the College's annual Open Day.
  • Directing the P&F Levy towards projects which benefit the entire College community.


P&F Committee

  • President: Bronwyn Sheather​.
  • Vice President: Laurel Goodrich.
  • Secretary: Bridget Everding.
  • Treasurer: Paul Siljac.



Meetings are held once a term, from 6.00 pm in the Champagnat Building. New and existing parents/caregivers are encouraged to consider joining this wonderful group.  Claver is blessed to have parents/caregivers and staff who deeply value the integral role that community plays in our college and who so willingly give generously of their time, creativity and skills.

Meetings for 2024 will be held on:

  • Term 1 - Tuesday 13 February 2024 (AGM and General Meeting).
  • Term 2 - Tuesday 30 April 2024.
  • Term 3 - Tuesday 30 July 2024.
  • Term 4 - Tuesday 22 October 2024.


If you would like some more information on the P&F, please do not hesitate to contact the College on 3810 5900. ​